Sunday, December 7, 2014


We've all heard the jingles that are used by our favorite brands or signify our favorite companies. Whether it be the ding of the taco bell or a famous song used in a car commercial. Advertisers find many ways to become familiar and easily remembered. If you have the McDonald's "I'm lovin it"  seared in your brain as most of the world does, that simply shows the success made by McDonald's. They found a perfect sound to make even your subconscious aware enough to link a simple three word message linked to the food you enjoy from the restaurants. 

A simple tune can help portray any message they are trying to put across to make you go out and purchase whatever it is they are selling. If the sound can easily be sung back or duplicated, people will repeat it and help spread that company to have their awareness skyrocket, thus resulting in a giant increase in profits. As of today I'm sure we are all familiar with those JG Wentworth commercials. The ones where a group of actors who must also be fantastic opera singers, sing that overstocked JG Wentworth phrase "it's my money and I need it now" song. Whether we've payed attention to it or not that song has sunk into your memory. For me it was beyond annoying but I do remember it, which is their goal from the start.  Another great example is the "gummi bear" song, so simple with a bit of an annoyance. It makes it so easy for us to remember and duplicate I wouldnt be surprised if all your your friends knew of it. When a company or artist can find the right sound to put out its fairly easy for them to become recognized. Recognition is what makes the jingle worth while, it may seem like a small factor to their overall success but it's just as important as what they're selling. If you have a great product but lack the advertising techniques you won't have a very successful company. The tones that make up the McDonald's jingle make you think of more than just the song that is played. Your brain will begin to connect the dots that is the song itself. You will think of those golden arches filled with the foods inside. The smells you like and the tastes of your favorite order. Which will make you hungry and begin those actual cravings for the food. 

Music has changed our lives in so many ways not only is it something we enjoy when we are trying to relax or have a good time with friends.  It is also used as an almost manipulation technique to lure you in by many companies. Whether good or bad, music is and always will be a giant aspect of the world we live in and the things we've come to find in our daily lives.

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