Sunday, November 30, 2014


So looking over a recent article that had caught me attention, I decided to pass it on through this blog. We all know someone or have even fallen victim to it ourselves. Illegal downloading has finally caught up to a service provider and they are on the receiving end of a lawsuit. Out of the millions of people who do in fact pirate music and movies alike, only a certain few are ever caught and receive any legal trouble. This is a different situation however, Cox Communications is the I'm in question over their lack of control over those who do pirate and those who do uncontrollably after repeated confrontations.

This lawsuit against Cox, in my opinion is a waste of time. Yes, they are providing the means of the piracy and should be watching for an unusually high amount of downloading and should ban those repeatedly warned subscribers from their services. However, this will not stop anything, those with the means and know how will always pirate things from the internet. I believe it shouldn't be as big of a deal as it is, honestly. Yeah, some people take it too far and try to make a profit off of the downloaded material. The people trying to profit from others work should be the ones who receive a firm of punishment. The ones who download for themselves shouldn't be bothered with because it is simply sharing previously purchased material. In my eyes the idea of piracy has always been a way of people sharing data with others not for a personal gain or profit. There shouldn't be laws against sharing even though it is a reduced amount going to the rightful owners. People should have the choice to share their purchased items, regardless of a difference in virtual or in a solid for. You can borrow a CD to your friend, why should you not be able to send your friend an album online and let them download it for their personal enjoyment.

I found this to be important enough to speak on due to ITunes being one of the largest sources for purchasing music online. I question why every song must be $1? If you like more than a couple bands you must be rich to be able to afford the virtual albums you will never actually put your hands on. If you have to pay for the phone just to be able to put the music on it why must you pay a premium price per song? To me that's just as bad as those taking the music themselves and spreading it around. Either way someone loses out on money. I believe when sharing with others becomes illegal all ethical motives go out of the window.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you on this! I also cannot stand that each and every song is 1$!
