Tuesday, September 9, 2014

So Music?

Music is a culture. Wouldn't you agree?

I like many other people have found a deep connection with music. No matter which genre of music a person prefers, their choice can be connected with by someone and your preference of it doesn’t affect how they relate to it and how strongly they feel about it. Music is socially accepted all over the world and each genre acts as a voice for all the people that follow it. I personally prefer thrashing yet melodic tone of metalcore as it has become known as. Which may raise the question as to why or the need of the loudness or thrashing sound that is played. But to many people including me it sounds entirely different than a loud rage of yelling. The sound these bands play and the vocals that most of the time many will hear as nonsense or “screaming” to those who haven’t acquired the ability to listen to what is actually being performed. 

The bands and songs I listen too for the most part have a deep meaning behind the vocals that many people overlook. Which is really upsetting because a lot of these songs are of life and experiences we’ve all gone through or can relate to in some way or another. It’s these songs many people love to listen too because it helps them feel like they are not alone. When you’re having a rough day, where you just want to be left alone with your thoughts or just want to relax and unwind, many people would want to turn on some calm and soothing music they can sing along too. I prefer to turn on some music that gets me fired up and out of the mood that was just bringing me down. While some loud music with all of the parts of the band going, I do love many of the songs that have a slow and melodic chorus that anyone could find appealing. That slow chorus is usually what brings the whole song together and there are even a few songs I only enjoy listening to for the amazing chorus. 

Whether it's slow or fast paced I love the music I listen too, I find it hard to go a day without it. I like many people listen to music almost constantly, when I’m out jogging, in the shower, driving around, or just hanging around the house or with friends. I’m always looking for new bands to listen too, even though I don’t get sick of the ones I’ve already listened to for what seems like forever. To my personal taste this type of music can never get old, I’ve yet to get sick of my favorite bands and have many of their songs throughout my playlists. I feel bad for those who don’t give some of these bands a chance. I know just because I enjoy them doesn’t mean everyone else will but I do believe there are songs we all can connect with in some way. Which is why I find music in general to be a great asset I don’t think I could live without.

Thanks for reading!

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