Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Shows

So, I totally hate when they come around and I miss them....

One regret I have is not making more of an effort in getting to the shows when my favourite bands come to Michigan. I mean in the past couple of years it seems like all the ones I love listening to the most have come to places like Grand Rapids, and Detroit. Which, are a ways away but not at all impossible to get too if it'd actually get planned out. Like tomorrow the 15th, A Day To Remember and Bring Me The Horizon are coming to Grand Rapids to put on a show together as a stop on their Parks and Devastation tour. I really want to be there but once again I'm pretty sure I'll be missing another concert I should have been at.

In the past, I've had a couple groups of friends who've gone to concerts I wanted to go to but never asked around to see if anyone I knew was going or not even though I should've. Once was Dirtfest where Falling in Reverse was performing and I later found out my cousin and his girlfriend were going with one of her friends and I would've been stoked to catch that show. Another one I missed was a Lights concert a couple of friends had gone too (Lights is so not metal core but has been in a few BMTH songs as well as BlessTheFall and a few other bands). I didn't find out my friends had went to that show till later that night and earlier in the day I had been at my grandmothers funeral, so I really couldn't go either way. But at that time I was all like omg Lights (fangirl all up in everyones face). That day was all around sad especially due to everyone crying and mourning over my grandma. Which is understandable, I was right there with them and I was sad and missing her too. What sucked even more was the fact my friend Kyle had later sent me a picture and a video, the video was part of a song during the show and the picture was her autograph he got after the concert. I got even more upset after that but was glad he at least got a chance to meet her. That was totally cool, I was just upset because I didn't get the opportunity too.

Just before school had started another friend of mine had gone to warped tour and I was jealous again because as I recall Falling in Reverse had again come back along with, Of Mice&Men, Crown the Empire, Parkway Drive, Chelsea Grin, Issues, and SECRETS had all been there too along with a ton of other bands. Since warped tour was an all day event I had her keep me updated on who all she was seeing and what pictures she had gotten. She met every member of CTE, SECRETS, and had said the guys from Issues were actually kind of douchebags for not meeting with their fans or doing autographs like all the other bands had been doing. She ended up getting a bunch of pictures and autographs, mostly of CTE and SECRETS. She didn't even half the band's I would have went for, mostly due to conflicting playing times and overloaded crowds for the bigger bands but had a blast regardless of who all she actually got to see and meet.

Thanks for reading :)

1 comment:

  1. Dude i wanted to go to the A Day To Remember concert so bad too and see Bring Me The Horizon but couldn't. I did see CTE twice and I met them once. They are really cool!
