Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Dalefest Part 2

So, day two of Dalefest...

The next morning we woke up to the night time warriors who hadn't yet been to bed. Their loud roars of "WAKE UP AND RAGE!" usually followed with a "DO IT FOR DALE!". Who had been the guy that started up the shows way back in the day, as we were told. So as we stumbled out of our tents we decided to cook up some bacon, we had a little burner and a skillet and we just started cooking. Those late night warriors had finally gone to sleep and we had our fantastic breakfast in the middle of tent city. We found that singer from Blue to Grey passed out on top of a as table, someone had then knocked him off of then he continued sleeping underneath. As the day went on we talked to a few people we had recognized from the night before, one woman who had shown up with a complete jerk and we couldn't understand why she was with him. We noticed her a few other times throughout the day, and no, let's just say he wasn't her boyfriend. He was just one of the 6 or so guys she got with in that one day long period. At one point she had even stumbled up on stage and started stripping. Many people had gotten annoyed at her presence, but apparently some of the guys had other ideas in mind. After they let her have her fun on stage, the band's set up and began playing. After a couple of hours it had started raining, the band's continued but we just sat in our large tent and just hung out and sipped on some of the Gatorade drink, everyone else was out in the pouring rain keeping themselves to drunk to care. Jacob and Nich on the other hand were already fed up with the entire trip and we're ready to leave the minute we woke up that morning. They didn't drink at all and from hours in the sun were as I could imagine in a horrible mood.

I haven't yet been to a show or event that could top that first night of Dalefest, just for all the experiences we had. Most of which happened when just Dalton and I were awake. Night two was definitely a let down, especially after it had started down pouring. I won't forget my first Dalefest and I'd be up for going to another one or something similar. This trip really made me notice music is truly a culture. All of these people were a breed all their own and it was an unforgettable experience to be there and witness all Dalefest had to offer.

Day two was pretty bad to be honest, we sat in the sun the entire day with no shade of any kind. We all ended up sunburnt because of it. Day two was in no way comparable to the events of the first night.

Thanks for reading (many things did get cut from the story)


  1. I have heard of Dalefest, but have never been to one. After reading your blog, I now have a picture of what it was like. It sounded like fun (except for the second night).

  2. Too bad you had to cut the story, would have loved to hear all the details! Great Story.
