Sunday, October 5, 2014

Frustration & Stress vs. Music & Disc Golf

Interests coming together...

Music is a great thing we've come to casually live with and enjoy it in many ways and for many reasons. I like a lot of others have found it to be a great stress reducer as well as an easy way to find a peaceful source for immediate relaxation. When listening to my favorite bands and artists it helps me focus more on what I'm working on at the time.

I had recently started listing to music while disc golfing and found it really does help me keep my frustration down when I go for a long drive that requires exact precision in a throw, which can easily cause anyone to grip-lock the disc for a second which will make you throw it directly off of the target and generally into a tree no more than 15 feet away. Listening to something makes it so much easier for that frustration to be mellowed and actually possible to say oh well, and make it up with the next shot when you're more relaxed and less set on "I have to make this throw or this hole is going to cost me." I'm not that great by all means but listening to a familiar tune certainly made the day go more smoothly resulting in more pars'.

Don't get me started on how it helps the frustration of searching for your favorite disc when you have no idea how far it cut off the fairway. This had been my first time discing while listening to music, I have no idea why I didn't sooner but I really did enjoy it. It kept me quite calm throughout, the only thing it didn't help with was the bad weather. It felt like it was in the 30's and was raining periodically making the course slippery and muddy.

My newest disc! Totally love it :D

One thing it helped me notice is after I've been listening to something I don't like to just shut it off and stop listing to music for awhile. I find it hard to understand how some people flat out dislike music in general. A buddy of mine doesn't listen to anything unless it's a night where we are all hanging out drinking, playing beer pong, or socializing. I have no idea how he can drive his truck all day without the radio on or any source of music whatsoever. I guess that's where it comes down to the individual and what they are interested in themselves. To me you couldn't have a better day than listening to music on a beautiful day out on a discing course with all of your buddies. All of the combinations lead to a great decrease in stress I've come to find out. On days where I cannot get to Wickes to disc I simply listen to music like normal, whether it be during homework, or unwinding from class and work. It helps bring my day to a relaxing close and on some days I couldn't ask for anything more. In the right mood music can bring me to my bliss, where no matter what obstacles I face in the day can compete with my fulfilled and relaxed sense of mind. 

Thanks for reading :)

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