Sunday, October 26, 2014

Bring Me The Horizon "Drown"

When you love a particular band you become anxious for the release of a new album. You may end up waiting years for it and it may not live up to your expectations. However, it may just exceed all you thought it to be. While hanging out with a similar music lover they told me about a new Bring Me The Horizon single that had come out a few days ago. She had said it was a decent song but had none of the bands well known screaming. I became sceptical and hoped they were not changing their tone. So we then listened to the song. It was called "Drown" from their album being released in December. The music video has gotten 2 million views in 4 days, which isn't bad at all. The song has an upbeat tone with a soft display of Oli Sykes vocals. It is a more melodic song with a catch chorus. I personally love the song already and I'm listening the first time for the second time as I'm writing this. 

I get the feeling that the song doesn't show the tone of how this album will be but does make for a great accompanying track to its list. I am still a bit nervous as to how this album will be and I'm hoping it will be great. BMTH has been my favourite band for awhile now and I would really like that to stay the same with this new release. My cousin lost interest in the band after the previous album as they became more harmonic and included more soft chorus', which I personally enjoy. 

I feel like BMTH has plenty to still offer and will continue to produce songs I enjoy even if they cause others to lose interest. I felt like this was a good topic choice because it really does have an impact on what you will listen too until a next release. If a band produces a bad album, you're basically stuck with it and have to have faith the next one will be better and have to find someone else to listen too in the mean time. The songs that make it onto and album have to be the correctly chosen one or else the album can severely suffer. That's goes along with releasing all of the best singles before the album drop leaving nothing of equal value when it is actually released. The biggest change I've seen is a band or artist actually switching their style up entirely. Which is gutsy and may or may not even work out. I feel that band should stick to their roots and expand upon them not change who they are and what they even sing for. Music is an ultimate form of expression and if you make it big in a genre, you should know your fans love you for that reason not for how many genres you can form together. Fans will remain loyal as long as you remain loyal to them, they are your reason for all your success in the music industry.

Thanks for reading

Sunday, October 19, 2014

My Music and When I Listen To It

So I'm not even close to a strict type of music listener. I do prefer metal-core over the rest but there really isn't many genres I won't listen too. I listen to certain things depending on what mood I am in and what sounds to be on point in the situation. When I'm by myself playing video games, taking a shower, exercising, driving around, etc. I love listening to A Day to Remember, Bring Me The Horizon, Asking Alexandria, Avenged Sevenfold, Falling in Reverse, Deuce, and Crown the Empire altogether in a playlist with others with a similar sound. When I'm in more of an older type of music mood I love listening to Linkin Park, System of a Down, Godsmack, Papa Roach, Three Days Grace, and many others I used to listen to almost religiously. When I'm around my friends and in the party mood I like listening to rap such as; Wiz Khalifa, Juicy J, K Camp, MGK, along with whatever else others feel like playing. I'm not a very picky person when it comes to what others want to listen to unless it's country. I've tried and I really cant get into most of it. I think it's due to my grandparents listening to it so much. It threw me off the genre entirely.

When I get some alone time I love turning on my music while doing some sort of activity and relax to the music. I've yet to find someone who enjoys the exact same situation as I enjoy even though I'm sure it's quite common. I'd love to meet someone who wants to hang out, turn some music on, and just enjoy the moment. I can spend hours simply relaxing and playing something with constant music in the background I can sing along with. It really is one of the things I enjoy the most. Living a busy life I don't get to do this very often anymore, but when I do I couldn't be happier. Whenever I'm working on homework I do turn my music on and it does help me get it done but it's not nearly the same as the times where I have noting to do or things I have to worry about.

As responsibilities build up and the amount of time available to get them all taken care of. I don't have the time to just do nothing for the night and listen to music and I would like. I miss it, but I know it must happen as a part of life. Just now writing this I would love to set my homework aside and just enjoy a couple hours of music and gaming. I cannot responsibly let myself do it, even though that's all I have the urge to do. The bliss I find in music when I'm alone has helped me through many hard times I've found myself in. Regardless of the cause or what I'm then faced with I know I can manage as long as I can have some alone time to listen  to what will help me get my thoughts out to help determine where I will go from there and how I will deal with whatever is now in my way.

Thanks for reading.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

A Connection or Nah?

As I continue to write these blogs I'm starting to realize how much music really does mean to me. I've always appreciated it and would listen to it whenever I had the desire too. I know I'm not the only one who has a connection to it, but music couldn't feel more personal. No matter what mood you're in, you can always find some sort of songs for that exact situation. So, with that in mind I've noticed more and more movies, TV shows, commercials, etc. Where they have a given scenario and a song to accompany it. What's odd with that is I've spotted out certain times where the music just simply doesn't fit or it could've been even greater due to the intensity of the actions, but have too soft or a song to capture the intended mood. Thus, leading to my current thoughts on how powerful music can really be and how detrimental it can be to your moods. The music you have playing can make any bad night into a salvageable one. A night with friends can turn into an all out party. It all depends on capturing the right mood and the ease into it by the correct song choices. I've yet to actually test this, but I'm quite sure the steps taken have to be well thought out. A swift change from Avril Lavigne to "TURN DOWN FOR WHAT!?!" will have a WTF?? reaction out of the listeners. This is why guaging the audience and overall flow of the situation must be right.

On the other side of music and your personal taste. You've probably found huge differences in taste with what you're accustomed to and what others listen too. It isn't easy to get others to appreciate the same music type as you do. Majority of the time it never really grows on them and feels similar to the first time you've asked them what they're into. You can listen to the same style for years and play it around a friend who hates it just as much as they did the first time if not more for making them listen to it again and again. I've tried getting friends who have other music preferences interested in mine but it's never really worked out. Everyone enjoys their own type even if they try to force it on themselves it may never work. This is why I've come to accept other people's music decisions, if they can relate to it as I do with mine, I'm happy. I simply don't want people to miss out on something so easily passed by in the world. I'm in no way saying I will listen to the same stuff 5 years from now, but I guarantee it be listening to what I find enjoyable.

Thanks for reading.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Frustration & Stress vs. Music & Disc Golf

Interests coming together...

Music is a great thing we've come to casually live with and enjoy it in many ways and for many reasons. I like a lot of others have found it to be a great stress reducer as well as an easy way to find a peaceful source for immediate relaxation. When listening to my favorite bands and artists it helps me focus more on what I'm working on at the time.

I had recently started listing to music while disc golfing and found it really does help me keep my frustration down when I go for a long drive that requires exact precision in a throw, which can easily cause anyone to grip-lock the disc for a second which will make you throw it directly off of the target and generally into a tree no more than 15 feet away. Listening to something makes it so much easier for that frustration to be mellowed and actually possible to say oh well, and make it up with the next shot when you're more relaxed and less set on "I have to make this throw or this hole is going to cost me." I'm not that great by all means but listening to a familiar tune certainly made the day go more smoothly resulting in more pars'.

Don't get me started on how it helps the frustration of searching for your favorite disc when you have no idea how far it cut off the fairway. This had been my first time discing while listening to music, I have no idea why I didn't sooner but I really did enjoy it. It kept me quite calm throughout, the only thing it didn't help with was the bad weather. It felt like it was in the 30's and was raining periodically making the course slippery and muddy.

My newest disc! Totally love it :D

One thing it helped me notice is after I've been listening to something I don't like to just shut it off and stop listing to music for awhile. I find it hard to understand how some people flat out dislike music in general. A buddy of mine doesn't listen to anything unless it's a night where we are all hanging out drinking, playing beer pong, or socializing. I have no idea how he can drive his truck all day without the radio on or any source of music whatsoever. I guess that's where it comes down to the individual and what they are interested in themselves. To me you couldn't have a better day than listening to music on a beautiful day out on a discing course with all of your buddies. All of the combinations lead to a great decrease in stress I've come to find out. On days where I cannot get to Wickes to disc I simply listen to music like normal, whether it be during homework, or unwinding from class and work. It helps bring my day to a relaxing close and on some days I couldn't ask for anything more. In the right mood music can bring me to my bliss, where no matter what obstacles I face in the day can compete with my fulfilled and relaxed sense of mind. 

Thanks for reading :)