Sunday, October 12, 2014

A Connection or Nah?

As I continue to write these blogs I'm starting to realize how much music really does mean to me. I've always appreciated it and would listen to it whenever I had the desire too. I know I'm not the only one who has a connection to it, but music couldn't feel more personal. No matter what mood you're in, you can always find some sort of songs for that exact situation. So, with that in mind I've noticed more and more movies, TV shows, commercials, etc. Where they have a given scenario and a song to accompany it. What's odd with that is I've spotted out certain times where the music just simply doesn't fit or it could've been even greater due to the intensity of the actions, but have too soft or a song to capture the intended mood. Thus, leading to my current thoughts on how powerful music can really be and how detrimental it can be to your moods. The music you have playing can make any bad night into a salvageable one. A night with friends can turn into an all out party. It all depends on capturing the right mood and the ease into it by the correct song choices. I've yet to actually test this, but I'm quite sure the steps taken have to be well thought out. A swift change from Avril Lavigne to "TURN DOWN FOR WHAT!?!" will have a WTF?? reaction out of the listeners. This is why guaging the audience and overall flow of the situation must be right.

On the other side of music and your personal taste. You've probably found huge differences in taste with what you're accustomed to and what others listen too. It isn't easy to get others to appreciate the same music type as you do. Majority of the time it never really grows on them and feels similar to the first time you've asked them what they're into. You can listen to the same style for years and play it around a friend who hates it just as much as they did the first time if not more for making them listen to it again and again. I've tried getting friends who have other music preferences interested in mine but it's never really worked out. Everyone enjoys their own type even if they try to force it on themselves it may never work. This is why I've come to accept other people's music decisions, if they can relate to it as I do with mine, I'm happy. I simply don't want people to miss out on something so easily passed by in the world. I'm in no way saying I will listen to the same stuff 5 years from now, but I guarantee it be listening to what I find enjoyable.

Thanks for reading.

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