Sunday, November 30, 2014


So looking over a recent article that had caught me attention, I decided to pass it on through this blog. We all know someone or have even fallen victim to it ourselves. Illegal downloading has finally caught up to a service provider and they are on the receiving end of a lawsuit. Out of the millions of people who do in fact pirate music and movies alike, only a certain few are ever caught and receive any legal trouble. This is a different situation however, Cox Communications is the I'm in question over their lack of control over those who do pirate and those who do uncontrollably after repeated confrontations.

This lawsuit against Cox, in my opinion is a waste of time. Yes, they are providing the means of the piracy and should be watching for an unusually high amount of downloading and should ban those repeatedly warned subscribers from their services. However, this will not stop anything, those with the means and know how will always pirate things from the internet. I believe it shouldn't be as big of a deal as it is, honestly. Yeah, some people take it too far and try to make a profit off of the downloaded material. The people trying to profit from others work should be the ones who receive a firm of punishment. The ones who download for themselves shouldn't be bothered with because it is simply sharing previously purchased material. In my eyes the idea of piracy has always been a way of people sharing data with others not for a personal gain or profit. There shouldn't be laws against sharing even though it is a reduced amount going to the rightful owners. People should have the choice to share their purchased items, regardless of a difference in virtual or in a solid for. You can borrow a CD to your friend, why should you not be able to send your friend an album online and let them download it for their personal enjoyment.

I found this to be important enough to speak on due to ITunes being one of the largest sources for purchasing music online. I question why every song must be $1? If you like more than a couple bands you must be rich to be able to afford the virtual albums you will never actually put your hands on. If you have to pay for the phone just to be able to put the music on it why must you pay a premium price per song? To me that's just as bad as those taking the music themselves and spreading it around. Either way someone loses out on money. I believe when sharing with others becomes illegal all ethical motives go out of the window.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Musical Interests

When friends come together and all enjoy the same type of music it generally makes for a decent night. As the music plays and you're having fun and laughing with your friends there's certainly an uplift in everyone's mood. Whether you're into classical or country, when you're with those who have the same interest it it, you tend to have a better time and build a bond with those among you. In my opinion there's nothing greater than a night with your friends and good music to listen too. It just gets everyone pumped up for a good time. This past weekend I was hanging out with a group of my friends and a few of us had started drinking, as it was my cousins 21st birthday. So, when I'm drinking I like to have music playing and had suggested it to them and they turned it down. This had me thinking as to why they would rather have nothing playing.

These friends can be very alike, but when it comes to music they all vary from each other. Which made no music the easier choice. We were all having a good night as it was and if we had played something it could have made our night deviate from the initial plan. As I drove them home the day after, we also ran into the same problem. My play listen work for me but they don't have the same musical interests as I do. I just find it strange as to how people act differently when there is a different style of music being played. Our friends try to get us interested in what they like but many times it doesn't work. I question how someone can have a party when the musical interests are so wide spread. I feel if we all had the same interests last night, those of us who were drinking could have brought the room to life. We all did have fun with lots of jokes and laughter. Although the few of us that did drink didn't really liven up the night. It was more of a few beers each and a held a steady buzz while watching a couple shows and movies. I didn't mind the relaxation of it, but I wanted something to do. I had gotten relatively bored and wanted to listen to music and play some beer pong. I just had the urge to get involved in something. I feel like the interest in music drives nights to go certain ways and if none is played, the night won't get very hype. I would have liked to have seen last night be more fun with the whole group being interested in a more group involved time, but I'm overall satisfied with the time I did get with my close friends and also hope my cousin enjoyed his 21st.

Sunday, November 16, 2014


So, a few weeks ago I had  noticed Spotify introduced a new promotion which cut the premium price in half for all students. I've used Spotify in the past and figured why not take advantage of this promotion. So I went ahead and got the subscription and started filling some playlists with all my favorite bands and artists. As a couple of weeks have gone by I'm still happy with my membership even though there are a certain few songs that aren't on there, I'm overall content.

What I have noticed is I basically have my music broken up into 3 playlists. One for all of my favorite metal-core like bands; Bring Me The Horizon, Of Mice & Men, A Day to Remember, Crown the Empire, Ice Nine Kills, Issues, BlessTheFall, SECRETS, etc. I also have a playlists for the rap music I listen too, which I haven't yet blogged about. This playlist has many artists such as; Wiz Khalifa, Juicy J, K Camp, Lil Wayne, Childish Gambino, Kat Dahlia, Drake, Eminem, etc. Thus leaving the last playlist which has new popular songs ranging from different artists including; Jason Derulo, Ariana Grande, Macklemore, Sia, Chris Brown, Rihanna, Woe is Me, SECRETS, and others.

So from these 3 different playlists I've began noticing myself choosing based on the current mood I was in. When I am calm and doing homework or relaxing after work I would play my "Let Them Sing" playlist which has the obvious metal-core bands. When I'm hyped up or in a partying mood I'll play my "dopee" playlist, which contains the rap music. When I'm basically not in the mood for either of those and just want something else to listen too I'll play songs from my "general" playlist. I categorized them by mood just as a coincidence. I mean most of the time people don't through two completely different types of music together and hope they flow at least half way decent, but with my separation it really captured all I am in the mood for. Not saying I don't listen to each type in other situations or moods but they generally fit each mood pretty well.

I wrote this blog on Spotify to highlight on how great this deal is and how happy I am to have it. The student discount is half of the normal membership fee of $10 a month, which I thought was all too much. So $5 a month for at least a year is something I have no problem paying. That's only $60 for an entire year of all your favorite music on your computer or mobile devices. I plug my phone into my car stereo and listen to anything I want on my way to and from school, work, friends houses and any other trips I need to make. As a music lover I find $60 cheap to have almost any song, album, or playlist available all at the push of a button. I highly suggest any student interested to take advantage of the half off student discount.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

A Day To Remember

A Day To Remember is an American rock band that was formed in Florida in 2003. They produce metalcore music with almost angelic chorus'. I've enjoyed listening to this band for years now and have never gotten sick of their classic songs. The sound they put out and the lyrics they play have actual meaning. One of my favorite songs by them is called "Here's to the Past". The song speaks on how you alone have made it through the hard times you've encountered and that you can in fact make it through anything if you stand up for yourself. I find this song to be relate-able because we've all gone through hard times and even though it seemed impossible, we all made it. Some people may bully or belittle you but all you need to make it through is yourself. You alone can make it through the impossible.

Another song I really like I'd called "Out of Time", it speaks on how we all are looking for someone who knows how to solve every problem we are faced with and that we all envision how things will go for us in our lives. We all look for what we've had and basically are open books to someone who would put you first in their lives. I really think this song stands out and speaks a truth we can all admit to searching for. We all seek for that person who would do anything for us exactly when we need them and in this search we are truly running out of time. The hardest part about it is when you think you've found that and everything soon falls apart. That person leaves, loses feelings, or even cheats. You feel as if you've given everything and exactly what they wanted. When in reality you simply haven't, which leaves you crushed, confused, and out of time.

Lastly, if you've ever listened to ADTR you've inevitably heard the song "All I Want". The music video itself is amazing, it features many singers and musicians alike singing along to the song as if they all strongly relate to the songs message. "All I want is a place to call my own, to mend the hearts of everyone who feels alone.. Woahh.. You know to keep your hopes up high and your head down low". This song speaks on all of the struggles where you've felt entirely lost and alone and that you do have the strength to take yourself as far as you want to go in life. Don't live in the past and where you come from, but focus on where you want to go and the ropes that will help you get there.

I find these songs to be important for the messages they pass on and the positive feelings they leave you with. No matter what you've been through there will always be someone who can relate to you. We've all endured some challenging things in our lives and you must know that you're not alone. Which nowadays is one of the most significant things needed. There will always be someone who would gladly give their time to listen, you simply need to let them in.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Hollywood Undead & Gone

Classified as rap rock and rap metal, Hollywood Undead came out of Los Angeles, California in 2005. I had first listened to them with their first album release Swan Songs. This had been my favorite album released by any band. It featured many graphic songs with little emotion held back. At the time, it was all I wanted to listen too. 14-15 years old having a rough go at life, while most of which was out of my control. I would put my headphones in and wander the streets at two in the morning. It really didn't matter if it was raining or snowing, I honestly didn’t care. What I find hard to understand is how that music I listened to back then and occasionally over the years has now hit the ears of a few of my friends’ mothers. I know the bands tone has changed since then but, like really? Mom's are now listening to these songs. . .

I'm sure they heard it from their children, but in my opinion it’s just a kind of “no” reaction. Many of these songs are upbeat depressing or sing of drugs, alcohol, and suicide. How can someone’s mother listen to it with their children? After the release of Swan Songs, I started losing interest due to many bad songs following it. With the lack of interest building up and the front man Deuce leaving the band I basically gave up on them. Ill admit I have liked some of the newer songs but nothing they could come out with now will even come close to being comparable to that first album. The first track I heard was “My Black Dahlia” from that point I was hooked and immediately listened to the rest of the album and had known I found my new favorite band. They had the sound that I just connected with. I can still find certain songs that are similar such as off their most recent album Notes from the Underground, “From the Ground” and “I Don’t Wanna Die”, but even these songs cant bring my faith back to them. Im unsure if they will ever be able to meet the interest I had in them nearly seven years ago, especially without Deuce.

Deuce released an album himself a year or so after leaving and in my opinion it blew Hollywood Undead’s American Tragedy album away. They released it with the addition of the singer who replaced Deuce and he didn't match him in any way whatsoever. Even with that being noticeable from the first song I listened too, I still gave their newer albums a chance. I am however, way more eager for the release of another album by Deuce. With the newly added fanbase of friends’ mothers, im not even sure I want to attempt to listen to any new songs Hollywood Undead puts out, honestly. I simply find it odd that they are now fans. More the merrier I suppose, but I have lost interest.

Thanks for reading