Sunday, November 23, 2014

Musical Interests

When friends come together and all enjoy the same type of music it generally makes for a decent night. As the music plays and you're having fun and laughing with your friends there's certainly an uplift in everyone's mood. Whether you're into classical or country, when you're with those who have the same interest it it, you tend to have a better time and build a bond with those among you. In my opinion there's nothing greater than a night with your friends and good music to listen too. It just gets everyone pumped up for a good time. This past weekend I was hanging out with a group of my friends and a few of us had started drinking, as it was my cousins 21st birthday. So, when I'm drinking I like to have music playing and had suggested it to them and they turned it down. This had me thinking as to why they would rather have nothing playing.

These friends can be very alike, but when it comes to music they all vary from each other. Which made no music the easier choice. We were all having a good night as it was and if we had played something it could have made our night deviate from the initial plan. As I drove them home the day after, we also ran into the same problem. My play listen work for me but they don't have the same musical interests as I do. I just find it strange as to how people act differently when there is a different style of music being played. Our friends try to get us interested in what they like but many times it doesn't work. I question how someone can have a party when the musical interests are so wide spread. I feel if we all had the same interests last night, those of us who were drinking could have brought the room to life. We all did have fun with lots of jokes and laughter. Although the few of us that did drink didn't really liven up the night. It was more of a few beers each and a held a steady buzz while watching a couple shows and movies. I didn't mind the relaxation of it, but I wanted something to do. I had gotten relatively bored and wanted to listen to music and play some beer pong. I just had the urge to get involved in something. I feel like the interest in music drives nights to go certain ways and if none is played, the night won't get very hype. I would have liked to have seen last night be more fun with the whole group being interested in a more group involved time, but I'm overall satisfied with the time I did get with my close friends and also hope my cousin enjoyed his 21st.

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