Sunday, November 2, 2014

Hollywood Undead & Gone

Classified as rap rock and rap metal, Hollywood Undead came out of Los Angeles, California in 2005. I had first listened to them with their first album release Swan Songs. This had been my favorite album released by any band. It featured many graphic songs with little emotion held back. At the time, it was all I wanted to listen too. 14-15 years old having a rough go at life, while most of which was out of my control. I would put my headphones in and wander the streets at two in the morning. It really didn't matter if it was raining or snowing, I honestly didn’t care. What I find hard to understand is how that music I listened to back then and occasionally over the years has now hit the ears of a few of my friends’ mothers. I know the bands tone has changed since then but, like really? Mom's are now listening to these songs. . .

I'm sure they heard it from their children, but in my opinion it’s just a kind of “no” reaction. Many of these songs are upbeat depressing or sing of drugs, alcohol, and suicide. How can someone’s mother listen to it with their children? After the release of Swan Songs, I started losing interest due to many bad songs following it. With the lack of interest building up and the front man Deuce leaving the band I basically gave up on them. Ill admit I have liked some of the newer songs but nothing they could come out with now will even come close to being comparable to that first album. The first track I heard was “My Black Dahlia” from that point I was hooked and immediately listened to the rest of the album and had known I found my new favorite band. They had the sound that I just connected with. I can still find certain songs that are similar such as off their most recent album Notes from the Underground, “From the Ground” and “I Don’t Wanna Die”, but even these songs cant bring my faith back to them. Im unsure if they will ever be able to meet the interest I had in them nearly seven years ago, especially without Deuce.

Deuce released an album himself a year or so after leaving and in my opinion it blew Hollywood Undead’s American Tragedy album away. They released it with the addition of the singer who replaced Deuce and he didn't match him in any way whatsoever. Even with that being noticeable from the first song I listened too, I still gave their newer albums a chance. I am however, way more eager for the release of another album by Deuce. With the newly added fanbase of friends’ mothers, im not even sure I want to attempt to listen to any new songs Hollywood Undead puts out, honestly. I simply find it odd that they are now fans. More the merrier I suppose, but I have lost interest.

Thanks for reading

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