Sunday, November 9, 2014

A Day To Remember

A Day To Remember is an American rock band that was formed in Florida in 2003. They produce metalcore music with almost angelic chorus'. I've enjoyed listening to this band for years now and have never gotten sick of their classic songs. The sound they put out and the lyrics they play have actual meaning. One of my favorite songs by them is called "Here's to the Past". The song speaks on how you alone have made it through the hard times you've encountered and that you can in fact make it through anything if you stand up for yourself. I find this song to be relate-able because we've all gone through hard times and even though it seemed impossible, we all made it. Some people may bully or belittle you but all you need to make it through is yourself. You alone can make it through the impossible.

Another song I really like I'd called "Out of Time", it speaks on how we all are looking for someone who knows how to solve every problem we are faced with and that we all envision how things will go for us in our lives. We all look for what we've had and basically are open books to someone who would put you first in their lives. I really think this song stands out and speaks a truth we can all admit to searching for. We all seek for that person who would do anything for us exactly when we need them and in this search we are truly running out of time. The hardest part about it is when you think you've found that and everything soon falls apart. That person leaves, loses feelings, or even cheats. You feel as if you've given everything and exactly what they wanted. When in reality you simply haven't, which leaves you crushed, confused, and out of time.

Lastly, if you've ever listened to ADTR you've inevitably heard the song "All I Want". The music video itself is amazing, it features many singers and musicians alike singing along to the song as if they all strongly relate to the songs message. "All I want is a place to call my own, to mend the hearts of everyone who feels alone.. Woahh.. You know to keep your hopes up high and your head down low". This song speaks on all of the struggles where you've felt entirely lost and alone and that you do have the strength to take yourself as far as you want to go in life. Don't live in the past and where you come from, but focus on where you want to go and the ropes that will help you get there.

I find these songs to be important for the messages they pass on and the positive feelings they leave you with. No matter what you've been through there will always be someone who can relate to you. We've all endured some challenging things in our lives and you must know that you're not alone. Which nowadays is one of the most significant things needed. There will always be someone who would gladly give their time to listen, you simply need to let them in.

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